刘洋,男,河南南阳市人,中共党员。2012年6月毕业于商丘师范学院生物科学专业,同年,考入浙江农林大学硕士研究生,三年后,在南京林业大学攻读博士学位,期间,曾到University of British Columbia访学,毕业后留校任教。现在浙江农林大学工作,主要从事植物生长和活性成分方面的研究,目前研究包含香榧、青钱柳和喜树等重要木本植物。

[1]Liu Yang, Fang Shengzuo*, Zhou Mingming, Shang Xulan, Yang Wanxia, Fu Xiangxiang. (2018) Geographic variation in water-soluble polysaccharide content and antioxidant activities ofCyclocarya paliurusleaves[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 121: 180-186.
[2]Liu Yang#, Song Lili#, Yu Weiwu, Hu Yuanyuan, Ma Xiaohua, Wu Jiasheng*, Ying Yeqing*.(2015)Light quality modifies camptothecin production and gene expression of biosynthesis inCamptotheca acuminataDecne seedlings[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 66: 137-143.
[3]Liu Yang, Wang Tongli, Fang Shengzuo*, Zhou Mingming, Qin Jian. (2018) Responses of morphology, gas exchange, photochemical activity of photosystem II, and antioxidant balance inCyclocarya paliurusto light spectra[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9.
[4]Liu Yang, Liu Qingliang, Wang Tongli, Fang Shengzuo*. (2018). Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry ofCyclocarya paliurusacross China[J]. Forests, 9(12): 771.
[5]Liu Yang, Fang Shengzuo*, Yang Wanxia, Shang Xulan, Fu Xiangxiang. (2018) Light quality affects flavonoid production and related gene expression inCyclocarya paliurus[J]. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 179: 66-73.
[6]Liu Yang, Chen Pei, Zhou Mingming, Wang Tongli, Fang Shengzuo*, Shang Xulan, Fu Xiangxiang. (2018) Geographic variation in the chemical composition and antioxidant properties of phenolic compounds fromCyclocarya paliurus(Batal) Iljinskaja leaves[J]. Molecules, 23(10):2440.
[7]Liu Yang, Cao Yanni, Fang Shengzuo*, Wang Tongli, Yin Zhiqi, Shang Xulan, Yang Wanxia, Fu Xiangxiang.(2018) Antidiabetic effect ofCyclocarya paliurusleaves depends on the contents of antihyperglycemic flavonoids and antihyperlipidemic triterpenoids[J]. Molecules, 23: 1042.
[8]Liu Yang, Qian Chenyun, Ding Sihui, Shang Xulan, Yang Wanxia, Fang Shengzuo*. (2016) Effect of light regime and provenance on leaf characteristics, growth and flavonoid accumulation inCyclocarya paliurus(Batal) Iljinskaja coppices[J]. Botanical Studies, 57(1):28.
[9]Yang Wanxia#,Liu Yang#, Fang Shengzuo*, Ding Haifeng, Zhou Mingming, Shang Xulan. (2017) Variation in growth, photosynthesis and water-soluble polysaccharide ofCyclocarya paliurusunder different light regimes[J]. iForest- Biogeosciences and Forestry, 10(2):468.
[10]Wu Qingqing#,Liu Yang#, Fang Shengzuo, Li Pingping*. (2017)Photosynthetic response of poplar leaveswith different developmental phases to environmental factors[J]. Journal of Forestry Research, 1-7.
[11]刘洋,秦健,周明明, 方升佐*,杨万霞,尚旭岚.光质和基因型对青钱柳叶黄酮类化合物积累的影响[J].南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2018,42(3):99-104.
[12]刘洋,陈培,周明明, 李娜,方升佐*.光质对不同家系青钱柳生物量和叶三萜类化合物积累的影响[J].浙江农林大学学报, 2020,37(6):1097-1104.
[13]Yu Weiwu,Liu Yang, Song Lili, Jacobs Douglass F, Du Xuhua, Ying Yeqing, Shao Qingsong, Wu Jiasheng*. (2016) Effect ofdifferentiallightquality onmorphology,photosynthesis, andantioxidantenzymeactivity inCamptotheca acuminataseedlings[J]. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 1-13.
[14]Ma Xiaohua#, Song Lili#, Yu Weiwu, Hu Yuanyuan,Liu Yang, Wu Jiasheng*, Ying Yeqing*. (2015) Growth, physiological, and biochemical responses ofCamptotheca acuminataseedlings to different light environments[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6:321.
[15]Zhou Mingming, Lin Yuan, Fang Shengzuo*,Liu Yang, Shang Xulan. (2019) Phytochemical content and antioxidant activity in aqueous extracts ofCyclocarya paliurusleaves collected from different populations[J]. PeerJ, 7: e6492.
[16]Hu Yuanyuan#, Yu Weiwu#, Song Lili, Du Xu Hua, Ma Xiaohua,Liu Yang, Wu Jiasheng*, Ying Yeqing*. (2016) Effects of light on production of camptothecin and expression of key enzyme genes in seedlings ofCamptotheca acuminateDecne[J]. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 38(3): 65.
[17]Zhang Lei, Jing Zhinong, Li Zuyao,Liu Yang, Fang Shengzuo*.Predictivemodeling ofsuitablehabitats forCinnamomum Camphora(L.) Preslusingmaxentmodel underclimatechange in China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(17): 3185.
[18]秦健,刘洋,方升佐*,杨万霞,管玲玲,尚旭岚. 光质和光强对青钱柳生长和抗氧化酶活性的影响[J].南京林业大学学报(自然科学版), 2017,4(6): 13-18.
[19]周明明,钱晨云,刘洋,方升佐*,杨万霞,尚旭岚.青钱柳叶片解剖结构及黄酮、三萜和多糖的组织化学定位观察[J].植物资源与环境学报, 2017, 26(2): 107-109.
2014年12月,“经济林分会优秀论文二等奖”,《Effects of light quality oncamptothecin production and gene expression of biosynthesis inCamptotheca acuminataDecne seedlings》,中国林学会;