姓名 |
石贤萌 |
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生物科学 |
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荣誉 |
中国科学院知识产权专员,商丘师范学院双师双能型教师 |
研究方向 |
生态学 |
办公地址 |
amjs澳金沙门线路首页105室 |
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shxm2012@foxmail.com |
[1]Shi, X.M.#, Qi, J.H.#, Liu, A.X., Zakari, S., Song, L.*,2023. Leaf phenotypic plasticity coupled with integration facilitates the adaptation of plants to enhanced N deposition.Environmental Pollution. 327, 121570.(TOP 10%)
[2]Shi, X.M.#, Liu, S.#, Song, L.*, Wu, C.S., Yang, B., Lu, H.Z., Wang, X., Zakari, S., 2022. Contamination and source-specific risk analysis of soil heavy metals in a typical coal industrial city, central China.Science of the Total Environment. 836, 155694.(TOP 10%)
[3]Shi, X.M.,Song, L.*,Liu, W.Y., Lu H.Z., Qi J.H., Li S., Chen, X., Wu, J.F., Liu, S., Wu, C.S., 2017. Epiphytic bryophytes as bio-indicators of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in a subtropical montane cloud forest:Response patterns, mechanism, and critical load.Environmental Pollution,229, 932–941.(TOP 10%)
[4]Liu, S., Bu, M.L., Li, Y.,Shi, X.M.*, Huang, C.J., Wen, H.D., Liu, Y.T., Wu, C.S.*,2023. Regulation of initial soil environmental factors on litter decomposition rate affects the estimation accuracy of litter mass loss in a subtropical forest.Plant andSoil,485, 395–410.(TOP 10%)
[5]石贤萌#,杞金华#,宋亮*,刘文耀,黄俊彪,李苏,卢华正,陈曦,2015.哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林两种优势幼苗C、N、P化学计量特征及其对N沉降增加的响应.植物生态学报, (10): 962-970.
[6]Yuan, Y.C., Zhang, H.C.,Shi, X.M., Han, Y.N., Liu, Y.*, Jin, S.H.*, 2023. Effect ofsimulated organic–inorganic N deposition on leaf stoichiometry, chlorophyll content, and chlorophyll fluorescence inTorreya grandis.Horticulturae, 9, 1042.
[7]Hu, H.X., Mo, Y.X., Shen, T., Wu, Y.,Shi, X.M., Ai, Y.Y., Lu, H.Z., Zakari, S., Li, S.*, Song, L.*, 2022. Simulated high-intensity phorophyte removal mitigates the robustness of epiphyte community and destroys commensal network structure.Forest Ecology and Management, 526, 120586.
[8]Huang, J., Yuan, B.D., Zhong, H.M.,Shi, X.M., Yang, B., Peng, J.C., Yang, C.Z.*, 2022. The complete mitochondrial genome of theRiparia riparia(Passeriformes: Hirundinidae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7, 1191–1193.
[9]Fan, X.Y., Liu, W.Y.*, Song, L., Liu, S.,Shi, X.M., Yuan, G.D., 2020. A combination of morphological and photosynthetic functional traits maintains the vertical distribution of bryophytes in a subtropical cloud forest.American Journal of Botany, 107, 761-772.
[10]Huang, J.B., Liu, W.Y.*, Li, S., Song, L., Lu, H.Z.,Shi, X.M., Chen, X., Hu, T., Liu, S., Liu, T., 2019. Ecological stoichiometry of the epiphyte community in a subtropical forest canopy.Ecology and Evolution, 9, 14394-14406.
[11]Li, S.*, Liu, W.Y.*,Shi, X.M., Liu, S., Hu, T., Song, L.,Lu, H.Z., Chen, X., Wu, C.S.,2019. Non-dominant trees significantly enhance species richness of epiphytic lichens in subtropical forests of southwest China.Fungal Ecology, 37, 10-18.
[12]Liu, S., Liu, W.Y.*,Shi, X.M., Li, S., Hu, T., Song, L., Wu, C.S., 2018. Dry-hot stress significantly reduced the nitrogenase activity of epiphytic cyanolichen.Science of the Total Environment, 619-620, 630-637.
[13]Li, S.*, Liu, S.,Shi, X.M., Liu, W.Y.*, Song, L., Lu, H.Z., Chen, X., Wu, C.S., 2017.Forest type and tree characteristics determine the vertical distribution of epiphytic lichen biomass in subtropical forests.Forests,8, 436.
[14]Song, L.#*,Lu, H.Z.#, Xu, X.L., Li, S.,Shi, X.M., Chen, X., Wu Y., Huang, J.B., Chen, Q., Liu, S., Wu, C.S., Liu, W.Y.*, 2016.Organic nitrogen uptake is a significant contributor to nitrogen economy of subtropical epiphytic bryophytes.Scientific Reports, 6, 30408.
[15]Lu, H.Z.#, Song, L.#, Liu, W.Y.*, Xu, X.L., Hu, Y.H.,Shi, X.M., Li, S., Ma, W.Z., Chang, Y.F., Fan, Z.X., Wu, Y., Lu, S.G., Yu, F.H.*, 2016.Survival depends on resource sharing: evidence from epiphytic ferns in a subtropical montane moist forest.Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 416.
[16]Chen, X., Liu, W.Y.*, Song, L., Li, S., Wu, Y.,Shi, X.M., Huang, J.B., Wu, C.S., 2016. Physiological responses of two epiphytic bryophytes to Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sulfur addition in a subtropical montane cloud forest.PLoS ONE, 11, e0161492.
[17]Li, S., Liu, W.Y.*, Li, D.W., Song, L.,Shi, X.M., Lu, H.Z., 2015. Species richness and vertical stratification of epiphytic lichens in subtropical primary and secondary forests in southwest China.Fungal Ecology, 17, 30-40.
[18]Song, L.*, Zhang, Y. J., Chen, X., Li, S., Lu, H. Z., Wu, C. S., Tan, Z.H., Liu, W.Y.*,Shi, X.M., 2015. Water relations and gas exchange of fan bryophytes and their adaptations to microhabitats in an Asian subtropical montane cloud forest.Journal of Plant Research, 128(4), 573-584.
[19]李苏*,柳帅,刘文耀,石贤萌,宋亮,武传胜, 2018.亚热带常绿阔叶林附生地衣凋落物的物种多样性和生物量的边缘效应.菌物学报,37,919–930.
[21]裴凤娟,宋亮,刘文耀*,黄俊彪,石贤萌,姚元林,陈克, 2017.云南树干附生苔藓生物量沿纬度及海拔梯度的变化特征.亚热带植物科学, 46, 30–37.
[22]吴毅,刘文耀,宋亮,陈曦,卢华正,李苏,石贤萌,2016.基于林冠塔吊的附生植物生态学研究进展.植物生态学报, 40(05):508–522.
[23]李苏,刘文耀*,石贤萌,柳帅,胡涛,黄俊彪,陈曦,宋亮,武传胜, 2015.亚热带森林系统4种附生蓝藻地衣的分布对生境变化的响应.植物生态学报, 39, 217–228.